كلهم ذهبوا .. انقرضوا مثل النباتات النادرة ..
لم يتبق إلا أصداء أماكنهم وظلالهم المنكسرة ..
كل شيء اندثر .. الدنيا لم تعد دنيا ..
والناس لم يعودوا أناسا ..
لم يتبق إلا أصداء أماكنهم وظلالهم المنكسرة ..
كل شيء اندثر .. الدنيا لم تعد دنيا ..
والناس لم يعودوا أناسا ..
They all went extinct like rare plants.
There are only the echoes of their whereabouts and their broken shadows..
Everything's gone. The world is no longer.
And people are no longer people
There are only the echoes of their whereabouts and their broken shadows..
Everything's gone. The world is no longer.
And people are no longer people
Dante's words written Aug 2017.
Makes me think:
We have to remember those that were lost... fallen from this earth but never from our hearts and minds.. Dante lost a whole branch of his family in one night airstrikes...I remember the pain he felt as we sat and talked together.
November 2017
Dante reflective on artwork of an eye.. and my adaptation..
December 2017
November 2017
Dante reflective on artwork of an eye.. and my adaptation..
December 2017