Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Busy week ahead

A concentrated week devoted to Family Link Up ahead 
full report and uploads to follow. 
Family Link Up - be part of the story.
Donate through gofundme Thank you!
•⊰Help to Settle •⊰
Note I have created a phase 2 fundraising to use from now 
below is the old to refer too in archive
Thank you for your help!
I am a hand to hand link up 
and can evidence your help with thanks!
This project is my life for the rest of my life for sure and there is so much we can do together in the family life rebuild. Don't forget you can help not only with donations but shopping online with me as my registered valued customer 
Marjorie's Yard Independent Consultant NYR   the commission on sales & turnover bonus will help me with this project and expenses.
      Shop Now
Neals Yard Remedies are promoting their Bee Lovely range 
as they have a commitment to help the bees.
Thank you for your help!

Saturday, 25 May 2019

Garden link up

 👩‍🌾🌺🌷🌹🌸🌼Brilliant family day of gardening with our Debbie and grand-kids in West London ... so much fun and was sharing the day on messenger with Nicola my daughter up north in Yorkshire  and our Family Link Up in Belgium and Turkey... wow modern day tech.... I was Mme le director hhh but soon was down on my knees planting.

Such a lovely time of sharing a day with one another. 
The girls, Leen and Celine in Belgium have been getting into the World Bee day from all the sharing this week... look they have made a big bee out of cardboard.....
Family Link Up - be part of the story.
Donate through gofundme Thank you!
•⊰Help to Settle •⊰
Note I have created a phase 2 fundraising to use from now 
below is the old to refer too in archive
Thank you for your help!
I am a hand to hand link up 
and can evidence your help with thanks!
This project is my life for the rest of my life for sure and there is so much we can do together in the family life rebuild. Don't forget you can help not only with donations but shopping online with me as my registered valued customer 
Marjorie's Yard Independent Consultant NYR   the commission on sales & turnover bonus will help me with this project and expenses.
      Shop Now
Neals Yard Remedies are promoting their Bee Lovely range 
as they have a commitment to help the bees.
Thank you for your help!

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Grandma to Grandma chat this week

Been a lovely week this week as I have been able to google translate chat to the children's Grandmother in Turkey. So been one grandmother to another sharing. Then we had a laugh all together with photos coming in from all directions, Boshra and Dante joining in. Baby Mohammed is now my young man boyfriend lol with his bow tie and suit all dressed up for me... lol 
This Family Link Up is most certainly my life... I feel enriched and privileged to be able to befriend them all and feel like one of the family after all these years helping.  I am looking forward to visiting the Boshra and the girls next week for the last week of Ramadan and Eid.... I am registered with Eurostar and they keep emailing me with bargain offers.... There is another bargain offer over the summer months - crazy but the return fare works out cheaper than me going up north to Yorkshire from London..!! I love the ability to have some freedom to travel and have time with those I love being with.... including my own family too... I hope that my grandchildren can meet up with all the children from Family Link Up soon too and keep up life long contact. 

The pretty dress I got from Sainsburys... just thinking 3 years ago... seems to be growing with Leen... mind you it was big when I first took it to her in Athens.. but wow she is getting some wear out of this.. and it really is lovely.... 
Family Link Up - be part of the story.
Donate through gofundme Thank you!
•⊰Help to Settle •⊰
Note I have created a phase 2 fundraising to use from now 
below is the old to refer too in archive
Thank you for your help!
I am a hand to hand link up 
and can evidence your help with thanks!
This project is my life for the rest of my life for sure and there is so much we can do together in the family life rebuild. Don't forget you can help not only with donations but shopping online with me as my registered valued customer 
Marjorie's Yard Independent Consultant NYR   the commission on sales & turnover bonus will help me with this project and expenses.
      Shop Now
Neals Yard Remedies are promoting their Bee Lovely range 
as they have a commitment to help the bees.
Thank you for your help!

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

yesterday was World Bee Day - remembered this book

Just chatting with Boshra on facebook now to ask if we still have this book.. she is saying yes... when I am over to visit them next week will have to get all the educational material together so we have some constructive fun, play and learn time.   We are always needing funds for good resources for the girls to learn and to keep their mind growing in all the languages they are exposed too and are so far confidently using in everyday chatter.  
Family Link Up - be part of the story.
Donate through gofundme Thank you!
•⊰Help to Settle •⊰
Note I have created a phase 2 fundraising to use from now 
below is the old to refer too in archive
Thank you for your help!
I am a hand to hand link up 
and can evidence your help with thanks!
This project is my life for the rest of my life for sure and there is so much we can do together in the family life rebuild. Don't forget you can help not only with donations but shopping online with me as my registered valued customer 
Marjorie's Yard Independent Consultant NYR   the commission on sales & turnover bonus will help me with this project and expenses.
      Shop Now
Neals Yard Remedies are promoting their Bee Lovely range 
as they have a commitment to help the bees.
Thank you for your help!

Monday, 20 May 2019

Family Link Up joins Team Debbie

On Saturday I joined my eldest daughter, Debbie on the Colour Obstacle Rush fundraising event for Kidney Research UK.  It was so much fun at the Windsor Racecourse and I entered the spirit of the day with some face paint, glitter and jewels... when I got home I skyped Boshra and the girls in Belgium.  Leen and Celine had fits of giggles that I had this face They would like some now so will have to look out now for face decoration so they can  have some fun dressing up... It is good to help one another - Love the power of link up. Follow the links above for you to see more of the fun run day.
Family Link Up - be part of the story.
Donate through gofundme Thank you!
•⊰Help to Settle •⊰
Note I have created a phase 2 fundraising to use from now 
below is the old to refer too in archive
Thank you for your help!
I am a hand to hand link up 
and can evidence your help with thanks!
This project is my life for the rest of my life for sure and there is so much we can do together in the family life rebuild. Don't forget you can help not only with donations but shopping online with me as my registered valued customer 
Marjorie's Yard Independent Consultant NYR   the commission on sales & turnover bonus will help me with this project and expenses.
      Shop Now
 Royal Treatment baby products
Check out the award winning mother & baby products.  
Thank you for your help!

Saturday, 18 May 2019

Family Link Up - for International Mothers Day too!

Boshra, Asma and I have been talking about the moving tribute Meghan did for International Mother's Day last week....The lovely photo of Baby Archie's feet with the backdrop of Princess Diana's favourite "Forget me Not" flower We thought as Asma's baby boy Adam was born just before Archie we would do a photo too... This is to remember of all Syrian refugee mothers trying their best to raise families in camps and in new lands.. mothers that have gone through so much, many lost babies to war and conflict and fleeing... The Jasmine flower is the flower of Syria - Damascus often known as the city of Jasmine so we use this as our backdrop
  Marjorie's Yard International Mothers Day
Family Link Up - be part of the story.
Donate through gofundme Thank you!
•⊰Help to Settle •⊰
Note I have created a phase 2 fundraising to use from now 
below is the old to refer too in archive
Thank you for your help!
I am a hand to hand link up 
and can evidence your help with thanks!
This project is my life for the rest of my life for sure and there is so much we can do together in the family life rebuild. Don't forget you can help not only with donations but shopping online with me as my registered valued customer 
Marjorie's Yard Independent Consultant NYR   the commission on sales & turnover bonus will help me with this project and expenses.
      Shop Now
 Royal Treatment baby products
Check out the award winning mother & baby products.  
Thank you for your help!

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Ramadan Mubarak & Art from Boshra

Boshra in Belgium is trying so hard with her art... She is keen to study art at college and will need some funding and materials.. It is a portal to a new built life for her and her family. I am proud of all she does and her keenness to learn the languages of the new host country that offers her safety and settlement.  You will remember from my earlier post how I was inspired by her "I fill my head with beautiful flowers" I have a strong feeling that through the arts and languages this family will succeed.  Not only have we got Boshra with her art work but Leen her eldest daughter with her ear for music and her aptitude for dance... and little Celine is so quick with her learning too.

Boshra turns her apartment into an art studio 
and an update from Turkey Dante needs funding to continue his university studies in Linguistics, translation and creative writing.
Update from Germany- Asma is mega busy with her new baby and has received the Eid gift and Dates  I sent. The Germany post now speedy getting parcels to her since they are aware of our Family Link Up project... Danke all.
Family Link Up - be part of the story.
Donate through gofundme Thank you!
•⊰Help to Settle •⊰
Note I have created a phase 2 fundraising to use from now 
below is the old to refer too in archive
Thank you for your help!
I am a hand to hand link up 
and can evidence your help with thanks!
This project is my life for the rest of my life for sure and there is so much we can do together in the family life rebuild. Don't forget you can help not only with donations but shopping online with me as my registered valued customer 
Marjorie's Yard Independent Consultant NYR   the commission on sales & turnover bonus will help me with this project and expenses.
      Shop Now
Check out the award winning mother & baby products.  
Thank you for your help!