Friday, 3 May 2019

Boshra art framed & words

"I fill my head with beautiful flowers"

I love this artwork that Boshra sent me on Monday ..from her phone picture I have had a print made. Plus a photograph..  I am looking at marketing her work as she produces some good studies.  

But this piece really started speaking to me and I have composed some words as I see a message with the art. 

Today I picked up a framed presentation of the work from Bovilles Uxbridge and love the finishing of this. Really enjoyed working with the assistant on choosing the mount and frame. 
 The words I have written I was thinking I could make into a postcard for marketing and we could use the "I fill my head with beautiful flowers" for greeting cards and other personalised products.  I have shown the art and read the words to a couple of my friends and they are touched by this - love it.
If you are interested in purchasing frame copies please contact me email and I am on twitter - Marjorie's Yard. Profits will go to Family Link Up.  I am also looking at applying for grants so Boshra could study art at college or university in Belgium. 
Family Link Up - be part of the story.
Donate through gofundme Thank you!
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Note I have created a phase 2 fundraising to use from now 
below is the old to refer too in archive
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I am a hand to hand link up 
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This project is my life for the rest of my life for sure and there is so much we can do together in the family life rebuild. Don't forget you can help not only with donations but shopping online with me as my registered valued customer 
Marjorie's Yard Independent Consultant NYR   the commission on sales & turnover bonus will help me with this project and expenses.
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