Ohhh had my first experience of joining a google meet class with the Celine's teacher in Belgium...This weeks theme is Farms..I loved the idea she had of a fun cartoon picture of a farmer on a milking stool milking a cow....The picture was hidden behind 6 coloured doors left-right-top- middle-bottom ..So the children ...remember from home in google meet had to choose a coloured door so together the picture revealed..Then my connection dropped..I think I messed up trying to screen captured this magic set of doors...Anyway I have emailed photos to the teacher of our busy bees yesterday following activities to make a cow..... Celine is 3yrs and love her concentration to complete the project...
Leen had a project to create a Lion face for her activity yesterday.. I think it would be useful for Boshra to have tablet or ipad or laptop for the girls to help with all this Google Meet and Zoom connecting... She is trying to work from her iphone... I love the technology of us all connecting, sharing learning and generating good ideas to adapt to the lockdown situation. I continue to be well impressed with the schools in Oostende and the dedicate creative teachers... was sorry to have dropped my connection as was enjoying being with all! with this hearing Dutch to help me learn too.
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