Wednesday 1 August 2018

Boshra moves today

Family Link Up - be part of the story
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Thinking of Boshra and the girls today as they make their move to a new town in Belgium - but this will be the place to finally throw down some roots. We have spotted good resources around her on the google map even a modern art museum that she can enjoy. I have been in touch with the Belgium Red Cross Flanders to see if they could help.  They cannot help with the move but maybe some one can go and check on them. I was worried last night as Boshra said they had not got this months welfare payment... and had to get someone to help with the move... I hope they have enough food in for them all. 

They have no internet Boshra warned me not to worry if no contact as they will get wifi connection soon. I told her she can maybe go to the cafe and library too - but we will miss our anytime facebook chats and skype - it feels difficult out of contact.  Dante can text them in Arabic from Turkey to check too as I am not so good at texting in Arabic I am better on my lap top and with google as back up lol  

I do wish I could go out and assess the situation.  I was thinking if I could get £1000 that would be brilliant for me to go over to see them and we do a all that they need shop to get ready for the autumn & winter months.  This would include more art materials for Boshra and kitchen baking equipment so we can have a good baking session together. We can bake some dried fruit keeping cakes and make some fruit pies for the freezer.  Plus get as we see more educational tools & toys for the girls. 

You know it was lovely yesterday here by the shops near my home.. A French speaking father was speaking in French to his toddler and I joined in.  He spoke good English too... I was telling him about Leen and how at 3 years she is absorbing all the languages around her.  He was happy at this and was saying this is what I want for my child too to be multi lingual... I was telling him aboout the bilingual Childrens books in the Uxbridge Library he was well pleased... I hope too he looks at my Family Link Up to see all that we are doing together. 

The waterlily photo on this post is from Stockley Park Business park - I have been there today to network for the NYR and to see how I can earn over the next few months there.  I will be attending an appointment next week to brainstorm ideas with the manager when she is back from leave. 

I met with two lovely enterprising mums today in Stockley Park running a fab kids clothing company..Wildchild London soft durable and so attractive the clothes are... hope I can get something for the girls soon if when fund raising permits... 
I am a hand to hand link up 
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This project is my life for the rest of my life for sure and there is so much we can do together in the family life rebuild. Don't forget you can help not only with donations but shopping online too with Marjorie's Yard..Marjorie's Yard Independent Consultant NYR   the commission on sales will help me with this project and expenses.
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Family Link Up - be part of the story
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