Monday 13 August 2018

Skype call to Belgium

Sorry for the screen capture not being clear but we were having a laugh today as Celine squirmed her way in between Leen & Boshra to see me on the screen.  It did me good to see them today as you can see... But so wish I could get over to Belgium to see them all and get all they need for Leen's school and for winter. Today had to see my GP for a check up and was telling her how frustrating it is not to have the funds to get over to see the Syrian family. Sometimes it is like I am pinning for them. My knitting and crochet is therapeutic as I can reach them to love them through each stitch I make.  I keep trying to get some paid work but no short listing these days at 64yrs ... I have grant applications in and try to get my local council to see the potential in us linking up traders to help boost up local economies.  
Today I was checking on whether the parcel I sent last week had arrived. But not as yet.  We have checked the address and I have just looked on satellite to match the window with their apartment that I saw on skype today - so all seems correct.  I did notice with the last address once there was frequent parcels the post got quicker each time. 
Can you help me raise £1000 for the trip over to Belgium and to get provisions for them, more art materials for Boshra so she can market her work and educational books and toys for the girls... Leen will need school clothes for September term. We need to get some baking things for the new home kitchen and do some baking together :-) Stock the freezer up for the coming months. Can we do this together dear helpers?
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This project is my life for the rest of my life for sure and there is so much we can do together in the family life rebuild. Don't forget you can help not only with donations but shopping online too with Marjorie's Yard..Marjorie's Yard Independent Consultant NYR   the commission on sales will help me with this project and expenses.
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