Tuesday 11 December 2018

Busy happy day today

This one photo sums up a lot done today.  I have been finishing another cardigan for the Family Link Up project this is for one of the older boys in Turkey.
Plus been getting more educational resources to trial with a local school where I am helping as a teacher assistant for a few hours a week.  The Maths and English books are brilliant and I am going to get some copies for the Family Link Up too. They will be great for kids and for the teacher parents to work with too.  The family members have a lot of talent & skills for them to develop careers and earn a living soon.  Once host country language mastered they will be an asset to their hosts.

With more art materials Boshra can help with some illustrations too for various subjects. Boshra and the girls have been asking when I am visiting them. I really need some help with funds to get over the Belgium to see them and have a good shopping session with them.  It is very frustrating as now there are some good Christmas markets and fun parks for us to enjoy too. 
I have been trying out some adaptive maths slides for Leen and Celine to understand in the languages they are learning by exposure. But the maths of course is maths whatever the language spoken. Dante feels he can use the books too for the families in Turkey.  He has received a parcel of mine today with a warm thick wool jumper I knit and some goodies..
I do a lot with a little imagine how much I can do with your help? 
I am as I have demonstrated a hand to hand link up. 
Can we do this together dear helpers? let me know of ideas such as coffee mornings and sponsored runs or cycles... anything that can help this project - thank you!
Family Link Up - be part of the story.

Donate through gofundme Thank you!
•⊰Help to Settle •⊰
Note I have created a phase 2 fundraising to use from now 
below is the old to refer too in archive
Thank you for your help!
I am a hand to hand link up 
and can evidence your help with thanks!
This project is my life for the rest of my life for sure and there is so much we can do together in the family life rebuild. Don't forget you can help not only with donations but shopping online with me as my registered valued customer 
Marjorie's Yard Independent Consultant NYR   the commission on sales & turnover bonus will help me with this project and expenses. 
                       Take a look at the Christmas Shopping Ideas  
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Thank you for your help!