Thursday 28 March 2019

Woman to woman midwife time

Boshra's sister is due her baby in Germany and been anxious about coping with her labour.  So Boshra, who labours well and me the retired midwife have been having a woman to woman time to help support her over facebook.  But we are both wishing we could travel to be with her.  Boshra needs to get through all the bureaucracy of passport application and acceptance... I am thinking maybe I can get over but more likely after the birth.  Thank goodness for facebook and skype for us to connect one another.  
But as when Boshra was in the Eleonas camp about to birth Celine 2 years ago and with an international look at maternity care for refugees in camps and host country communities... I am renewing my idea to put forward to the Royal College of Midwives that it would be a good project to train Syrian refugee women in midwifery to support one another and give a career structure to rebuild their lives.  Rebuilding lives by ensuring new life safely delivered in the world. 

Family Link Up has many dimensions to it and the ability to develop further with teams of people to help befriend refugee families and help rebuild lives.

This project  and my family are my life.  They are amazing people with so many skills to offer the host countries.  They are keen to learn the host country language and integrate to be able to repay the countries with future success and contribute to the countries economy. 
For those that are expecting soon and we also think of Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex active birthing is a way of working with the power of your contractions. Contractions are like waves in the sea that build up and then crash against the sea shore.  The wave lasts less than an minute so the peak of intensity is only seconds...the resting phase in between an oasis of calm. With good positioning you can help the babe on board negotiate the birth canal and help them to get into the best position for birthing. You have to learn to be a surfer riding that wave by keeping relaxed and focused -  as yes there is cramp like pain and bony aches that crescendo in the peak of the wave to experience - but this is positive pain with progress to help you birth. Your body is an amazing design to cope with this miraculous role of womanhood. The arrival of the baby is a wonderful feeling and your first sight and hold of that baby stays with you forever & makes all worthwhile. So your journey into motherhood begins with a child that will enrich your life... 

Some kind midwife or doulla or partner can give a soothing massage to help you through your waves of power ... or simply hold your hand or hold you fully.... I remember one mother that wanted me to hug her in a standing position and we both rocked through the surges of power of the contractions...and I could feel the power as her bump pressed against my belly in the process.... I also remember another mother actually (in my training) that used the imagery of the sea and waves, she was a keen swimmer so was lost in her visualisation of swimming in the sea and riding the waves.  I remember the ward round and the registrar saying "oh the epidural is working!" to which I replied "she has not got an epidural she is using visualisation and if you break her concentration she will not cope as well."  So he quietly scuttled out of the room and we had a lovely delivery.  Here is a good link for you to read more on active birthing Active birthing 

I am also looking forward to welcoming the new family member and linking up to Asma and her baby.  So lots to do for Family Link Up.
Family Link Up - be part of the story.

Donate through gofundme Thank you!
•⊰Help to Settle •⊰
Note I have created a phase 2 fundraising to use from now 
below is the old to refer too in archive
Thank you for your help!
I am a hand to hand link up 
and can evidence your help with thanks!
This project is my life for the rest of my life for sure and there is so much we can do together in the family life rebuild. Don't forget you can help not only with donations but shopping online with me as my registered valued customer 
Marjorie's Yard Independent Consultant NYR   the commission on sales & turnover bonus will help me with this project and expenses.
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