It was inspiring to be invited to a birthday party for one of Leen's friend last Saturday, to see Syrians settling and rebuilding their lives. Contributing to the host country economy as they work and beautify their homes. A friend proudly displaying some of Bushra's artwork on her wall. It looked stunning! Bushra's Art Gallery It has been a clear goal that they would rebuild for their families and the local communities in grateful thanks to the safety offered by their host countries. It is highly commendable. The day I travelled to Belgium last week one of our Syrian refugees settled in Yorkshire was attending the Buckingham Palace garden party. Yes! Razan! from Yorkshire Dama Cheese a business she and her husband created to the joy of our Yorkshire dairy farmers, who are well chuft (pleased) with her as milk from our herds used. Over in Canada a Syrian family have rebuilt their chocolate business lost in the war in Syria but still had the knowledge & skills to develop in their host country. They are now globally known for their Peace by Chocolate The pain of war can break bodies and spirit, yes hurt, but can also create an inner strength to succeed in new life rebuild. The strength of refugees is an asset to countries that open their borders, doors and hearts to offer safety, facilitate life rebuild with dignity and value their skills and very being. Yes support the healing journey of war experience and fleeing. So many have amazing skills, knowledge & qualifications.
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