Monday, 2 January 2023

Parcel from Germany

 Lovely surprise parcel from Sabine my friend in Germany.. some of her yummy homemade pear puree from her garden orchard and some cookies and chocolate treats.. guess what no brexit customs tax for me to pay to receive.  Now I am wishing I had sent Christmas gifts to Sabine when I was in Belgium as the post within EU is no problem just like it was before UK left EU!! So frustrating. Crazy as if say I nipped over to Ireland then post a parcel from Dublin no customs issue for my family and friends to collect.  but if I posted from Belfast same issue as if posted from London to family and friends in EU. 

Now this month of January got parcels to send to Sabine in Germany and for Leen's birthday in Belgium... must track and try to negiotate no customs be charged for them to receive my gifts!  Brexit Parcel Issue