Friday, 20 August 2021

Was it Cleopatra or a Snow Queen that visited today

Leen been having her face painted in Summer School. Bushra her mother has been helping .. her artistic flare perfect.  I said " you look like Cleopatra from Eyptian times" but she replied, "or a Snow Queen! " yes could be a snow Queen.. Celine rang me today too .. she is building on her English speaking ..she learns from big sister Prof of Linguistics Leen hhhhhh 
Was good to see this top still fits and looked lovely with her comfy trousers. I am trying to think where I bought it.. whether in Uxbridge or Oxford Street ..but I got one each as loved how the print suggested Belgium buildings and of course a fiets.. bicycle.. I love keeping them smart and trendy.  Bushra has a good eye for clothes too.. I miss visiting her with some funds for us to have a girlie shop in Belgium.. quite emotional typing this... its been awful for us all unable to travel to see loved ones over the pandemic challenge.  We must keep strong thank goodness for internet to keep linked up.. and parcel post to send love on treats and goodies to live life.. and learn and share... When she called me today had been 8n 2 hours of Dutch learning with Futurelearn  and Quizlet ..which Leen would love ..matching words and seeing how quick you can be with other users..

Knitted a pinafore

I have knitted this from some yarn given to me by my daughter..and interweaved glitter colours from leftover yarns. I just think I may need sherring elastic in side waistband to fit snug... its difficult judging when not with girls to try on. But I will put this in the post tracked and follow new customs procedure.. 


Parcel issue explained

 I saw these fun ice lolly moulds on the This Morning programme in July and ordered from Lakeland  received them in quick delivery to then post on to the girls in Belgium on 23rd July.  I tracked the parcel and saw it were stuck in customs... i provided the invoice proof of purchase and as my gift... but new procedures are in place as UK now outside the EU... today spoke with Belgium post customer service and it is cleared but in a 2 weeks holding it will be sent to address next Wednesday. This new lengthen timeline is usually post goes through within a week.. I have spoken with one of our local councillors who has family in EU ..we are thinking we need to get parcels in the system soon to be received for Christmas! We need to plan timeline for birthday gifts too.. so difficult when voted to remain. 

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Art Space


I love the way Bushra creates a studio space to work.. her artwork helps her connect with her true creative self. It continues to be a way of healing and rebuilding her life.  If you wish to commission her or purchase her work ..prints or canvas let me know see more of her work on Bushra's Art Gallery

We still need funds for more art materials with thanks for your support in these difficult pandemic times 

Art Materials Fund Raising


Olympic Mode


Leen is visiting her Auntie in Germany ..they have been catching up on the Olympics.. Leen was showing me this acrobatic pose..  hhhh I loved the question to me "can you do this?" Hhhh "not now that is a Once Upon a Time story for me!!" Though I was telling her there is an 80yrs old lady that can still do beam exercises.. below some more catch up calls. 
Checking on my Fairy Garden