Friday 17 November 2017

Link up strength to one another

I have been ill over the last week with fractured tooth pain and need for extraction and the painkillers I had been taken giving me an internal bleed..... I have been weak and in pain could only lay in the warmth of my bed..... over the days what kept me strong was thinking of my refugee family..... Dante was in panic mode worrying about me and contacted my daughter... We have all grown together in strength of love and care for one another over the now nearly three years. 
Today saw Dante had put a post on this facebook about Celine in her lovely bonnet and how loved and blessed he was... He has not held his youngest niece but I have if you remember when I went to Eleonas camp where Boshra was with her new baby Celine, the sister to Princess Leen.. It is so difficult for this family as they are a close knit family and now to be scattered around the world and unable to meet up with one another is so so difficult... thank God for the internet and carers and befrienders like myself!  I now have this family and project link up as my life and gives me life.  

That bonnet is doing good it was given in a bundle of clothes from Carole who has the knitwear stall in in the Pavilions Uxbridge... she loves to see that her love reaches the refugee children.... She will be so pleased to see that Celine is still getting a lot of wear from one of her bonnets she had made.  It is quite strange when you think that this is our Foreign Secretary constituency and he is unaware of the love that is taken to the refugees.  I receive no help from the Foreign Office despite writing to them for recognition for the love and care for this family link up project.  The Shadow Chancellor is aware as he is my MP and I regularly update John on this project and he follows this with care but trying to get me some funding seems impossible as I am not an NGO but an individual with love and care for this need to link up families.  There is so much I could do with a team of helpers.... there is so much that could be done to help rebuild lives and support them on their way to rebuild and one day be allowed to travel to be with one another as their status in the world recognised in host countries.  They give so much of themselves to the care for others in the community where they are and respect and value all the help they are given.
This project is my life for the rest of my life for sure and there is so much we can do together in the family life rebuild. Don't forget you can help not only with donations but shopping online too.. and any ideas on fundraising let me know.. 
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Family Link Up - be part of the story
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