Wednesday 29 November 2017

Winter stock

I had some time with Carole today in the Pavilions Uxbridge and she was telling me that she will only be there for another week then they have to move out for the Christmas Fayre so will not be back till New Year.  I was hearing this from other stall holders too. So they will not earn over the festive period. Bizarre as surely they could be incorporated in with the Christmas fayre.  I felt so frustrated with no funds as if I had funds and enough... I could have bought all her stock to send to the refugees... then that would help her and my family link up project. 

Especially as when I have been on Skype tonight with Dante in Turkey he has shown me a new baby in the community where he is... and I am renewing my appeal for funds for fuel for them, winter clothes and food.... Readers I do feel frustrated with no funding for this project as I can see time and time again how we can all inter connect be an hand to hand link up and it benefit so many... The traders as well as the refugees.... Contact me if you have any funding ideas.  I continue to keep applying for grants and for paid work... paid work is not so forthcoming for me but other offers of voluntary work always there.  So much need and if we all had the funds to meet them. 
This project is my life for the rest of my life for sure and there is so much we can do together in the family life rebuild. Don't forget you can help not only with donations but shopping online too.. and any ideas on fundraising let me know.. 
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Family Link Up - be part of the story
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Get Ready for the Festive Season as we move closer Christmas!
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