Monday 6 November 2017


My GOFUNDME update today
URGENT URGENT URGENT CALL FROM DANTE IN TURKEY...... they are needing funds for heaters and wood as it is getting colder in Sanilurfa.... 1 ton of wood = 600 turkish Lira / £118. The stand alone heaters vary in price from 200TL to 250 TL which is reasonable £39/£49.... They also need warm clothes, coats, shoes and blankets as well as funds for food. Can you help we can evidence the purchase from funds sent for Dante and his family to help the community around them and themselves prepare for winter..... 

How are you my dear supporters too ...? I am grateful to your help in the past and keeping my spirit strong to help this amazing project Family Link Up which is my life for the rest of my life... 

You can keep updated on the blog too you will read how one of Dante's sisters has now been granted her clearance papers and flown to be with her husband in Germany.... they have had 3 years apart so a great reunion. You can read how Boshra and the girls are being settled in Belgium... the Belgium Red Cross have been amazing and helping to get my parcels to them..... I am longing visit them and say hello to the Red Cross team too..... this week Boshra will get offer of an appartement to move out of the camp.... so I need to keep you updated on this too..... and we will need help to get this place to feel her home.. with furnishings and things for home, kitchen utensils etc...... 

Oh while I think on Boshra, if you see in the blogposts has revealed she loves doing artwork painting with oils and also glass painting .... would be good to get her some art materials..... maybe just maybe we can get her earning through sale of her artwork in the local market.....

Also see the poem about Princess Leen that was published in this years Literary Festival at Brunel University..... 

Dante is trying too and submitted his CV for work in Turkey and we have been writing reports too for newspapers and journals... 

All are trying to rebuild and regain financial dignity.....and with your help we can help them rebuild Be part of the story and be a hand to hand link up..... 

Thank you so much, Marjorie and Family Link Up 
This project is my life for the rest of my life for sure and there is so much we can do together in the family life rebuild. Don't forget you can help not only with donations but shopping online too.. and any ideas on fundraising let me know.. 
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Family Link Up - be part of the story
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