Thursday 3 November 2016

In my element

There is a perk for a grandmother being out in the field helping refugees.... I love being round the babies and the kids...that has been my life as midwife bringing new life in the world and enjoying the newborns....... now it is my life to help my Family Link Up project......but I have no funds to continue and it is breaking my heart..... I am trying trying trying to get grants and sponsors and some offers of paid work..... as a retired lady it seems folk not interested....sadly through a set of personal circumstances in my life pathway I have come to this time in life not the woman of substance I should have been.... or I could manage the project quietly alone....... But I need help I have so much love and care and determination to help rebuild lives........There has to be a way.... surely.... for me to continue with this amazing project with amazing people......... many of the mothers are missing their mothers to help I can step in and give that support and help.  You see their family network of support is shattered... we need to befriend these people.... amazing people that have gone through so much pain and horrors. ... if you have any thoughts on how I can get some funding or wish to fund raise for me please message me...and you can donate on the gofundme and just giving platforms too....

Love this photo that one on the mothers took in Eleonas camp..... when we were doing the baby wear distribution.... the more I look i see that little one has got hold of the thank you card.. :-)  bless him as if he really understands what it is all about and proud to say Shukran Thank you.........