Tuesday 15 November 2016

Rebuild lives not Limbo

I am enjoying the Human Rights course that the Utrecht University has offered online.  Been an interesting 3 hours sat on my sofa with the lap top while dinner cooking.... here I am in London and interacting with course material from Holland. 
There is a need to respect the rights of refugees and the right for all of us to live in dignity with one another.  My work with the Family Link Up demonstrates to me..... we have some amazingly skilled people among the refugees, well educated and with a lot to offer the world...... I had put forward creating a database on CVs to the UNHCR here in London so we can see the qualities people have in skills & education - many being undergraduates that had been about to graduate before the Syrian war, graduates we have professionals such as teachers, doctors, dentists, vets and we have business graduates..... we surely have an obligation as a Global family to rebuild lives and to integrate into the wider community..... to benefit all and not be a burden or seen as non persons or a nuisance...... surely out of respect for one another and the foundling fathers of the EU and the guiding principles and articles of human rights.... we all have a state obligation from a desire to be peaceful and unified nations respectful of one another and be together in this world our one home Planet Earth....  With peace there would be no uncontrolled shifts of populations fleeing pain and hurt in the world.. Time to heal wounds in our global society and to respect and care for one another - for the benefit of all ....surely....... 

I have to continue my project and help this family and all that they help in their communities as I am  learning so much about not only this family but our wider global family. In this uncertain time of political shifts we cannot forget we all have lives to live and to help those with shattered lives to rebuild for the benefit of all ....surely!

No more politically induced pain peace and respect of human rights to be in this world.....surely!