Tuesday 29 November 2016

Parliament today

We had an amazing day's input on Cities of Sanctuary and all the good work being done with groups up and down the UK to help refugees. Thanks to Thangam Debbonaire MP for Bristol West for organizing Committee room 14 for a day of sharing of refugee stories and experiences, poems and songs and all the problems in the system that fail or make the claim for asylum a difficult and protracted journey..... 

Met a lovely group from Brecon, Hay and Talgarth in Wales... one of the group members was a kindly retired doctor...... and the place is perfect for healing... refugees enjoy walks and talks and sharing - many that are from farmland areas love making friendship with the local farmers.... and are integrated into the community with care compassion and respect for one another ..... 
then we joined Thangam in the Grand Committee room for a debate on an improved system for relative reunion...... this was a little difficult for us public voyeurs as we were alarmed that the Tory response and rhetoric for we must not encourage a pull to the UK...!!!!!!!! many refugees actually are watching the attitudes and wishing to go Canada as seems the most welcoming.... BUT in among the attitudes we are groups of compassion and care and we are all in unison to improve the help to rebuild lives..... and help our global family.....

Good to see Diane Abbot and make her aware of my family link up project got to email her and cc John my MP and Thangam. I have asked if I can join in the APPG group for Refugees and she is happy...... I am to email her on the family link up project too.... So good day.....
Parliament had a sparkle today for Christmas and was good to see the young children coming for a show round.....some tiny tots were dressed in high vis jackets and looked like little ducklings following the teacher...and seemed extra tiny in the great hall ... all holding hands with one another.  We had a happy atmosphere the way it should be - but tinged with sadness that not all children where having a happy day..... horror reports on the news show that some children are denied the right to have a happy life without war and conflict.... as a global family we must stop this pain surely??