Sunday 2 April 2017

Baby Sham update

Just got an update through from Dante in Turkey on Sham which includes some film footage sent from her father in the NICU.... there is no doubt a good surgical outcome on the removal of the tumour - you can see that her back is free and the wound area from the insert of the large tumour actually quite small..... So for this we can thank so much the skill of the surgeons.  

But the film footage shows Sham on an adult bed with lots of monitoring equipment which is the top of range.  Seems they have no NICU cots for her so she is laying on the adult bed.  I am wondering now if the hospital are needing more equipment.  A NICU cot is vital for easier access if resus required.  

Poor Sham is having nebulisers through a mask that is too big for her in covering the whole of her face.  In NICU cots we can deliver nebulisers through canopies to keep the face free.  I am so wishing I could be over to help her.  

If we lay the babies down we make a halo of rolled blanket under the bottom sheet to make them feel secure.  Just feel I need to give her some love to help her - in the film footage unless the specialing nurse is taking the video there is no sign of the nurse caring for her.  I am really concerned yet there is evidence of equipment resources.... I am truly wishing I could go and see what is needed for us to campaign for to help the Turkish hospitals and doctors and nursing staff deliver top class care. 

This is what I am used to when working in neonatal units...... 

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¸╭•⊰  ღ¸╭•⊰