Saturday 31 December 2016

Snow arrived

image from IMPR Humanitarian
Snow in Turkey thanks to the aid centre for helping some of the refugees.... just wish I could get out and assess and help them too....... and would be great to send my family members in the camps and in the community some warm clothes and some goodies to help keep morale up ... but stonewalled with no funds....
Snow in Athens so grateful for the army and police keeping the refugees safe in the camp, but would have been great to have got out there too... the ideal would have been pre Christmas with Boshra in Athens and then over to see the New Year in with Dante and the family...... and of course back to Athens to help with the new baby end of February...... but I lack the funds to have this freedom of movement and link up..... also could send out parcels but no funds to do so .... so upsetting I have to find a way..... this family are my life.....