Friday 27 January 2017

Europe House

I had an amazingly interesting afternoon yesterday at the Europe House here in London where there was a debate on Brexit and Trade.... You may be wondering what has this to do with my family link up project.  Well as I have demonstrated in this blog this project is by the very nature of it helping me learn so much about the wider global politics and issues.  I need to keep my eye on so many aspects that can affect the refugees in both positive and negative ways. The major positive way is I constantly see is the project can help link up local traders in host countries and help to stimulate business.  If I have the raw funds available I can purchase from local traders goods that the refugees need.... I can cross fertilize business by raising awareness on products available here in the UK and out in the host countries.    So I needed to know how Brexit will affect trading both exchange in the EU remainder states and outside the EU...... For example: We have in Turkey the Work Permit offered refugees and in this it not only permits applying for work but the possibility of setting up a business.... so there needs to be an overall market awareness... I have some business graduates in among the refugee communities I give support too.. Boshra is a graduate in Business Admin and is always observant of the needs of Greece... All we need is language development in the multitude of languages that the refugees are exposed to in the host countries and from international helpers.  We have amazing skills and knowledge resources within our refugee communities and need to weave into the host communities for the good of those communities... We can turn this overall situation around to make what is perceived as burden of refugees into a positive benefit... 

I got a lot of respect from presenters and audience that I spoke to about my project in our networking mingling... I will pursue some of the helpful guidance to funding...... I continue to look for sponsors too... Please note my links to traders on this blog are a demonstration but not a remunerative deal... This I need to pursue as I pick up more readership traffic to this blog..... I need to look at advertising and profiling traders as a form of income... but for now I am totally reliant on donations and fund-raising efforts.......

I personally get excited at seeing all the member states flags together as we can work together, stand tall together and with this become problem solve and stimulate trade together ... I did not vote for Brexit but I think surely we can still have healthy links.

This post seems to be fitting for me to show you this amazing success story from a Syrian refugee Razan Alsous, here in the UK that has started up a business making traditional Syrian cheese from our local dairy farmers in Yorkshire.. Both Razan and her husband are graduates and have put their knowledge and desire for the home cheese into a way to rebuild their lives in the host country that of our UK.....Look the business has taken the attention of Princess Anne in recognition and support of this entrepreneurial spirit....
You can read more on my cupofteasharecare blog ... a new blog to take over from my old hydrate blog... where I have a mix of stories... 

New Life in Yorkshire success....Image may contain: 2 people

Here is the link to Razan Yorkshire Dama Cheese