Tuesday 4 October 2016

Learning to clean her teeth

I loved having Grandma times of guiding through washing hands and face and cleaning teeth.  Was fun she stands on a box by the bathroom sink and copies and enjoys all the copying and praise.  When I called round to the UNHCR head office in Athens on Michalakopoulou Street there was a nice supermarket next door so was able to get a Mickey Mouse toothbrush and paste... Enjoyed my time so much in Athens and can not bear the thought of never getting back.  I hope you wonderful readers that I am seeing in my stats will see the love I have for this family and the project.  If you could donate on the gofundme that would be wonderful.  I am also continuing to apply for grants and look for sponsors.  I have to have some time in Turkey soon as Dante is looking for a building to set up a special drop in centre.  There is so much we can do to rebuild lives.  And of course link up traders, universities and hospital teams too.  You can contact me on facebook or email me marjoriesyardATgmail.com Thank you.