Monday 10 October 2016

Read out at the Festival

Our work Umbilical Cord to Motherland was in the 6 pieces chosen to be read out. So last night at the end of the Hillingdon Literary Festival at Brunel University I stood in front of the mike and read the work that Dante and I had compiled together.  A lament from a refugee from all that he had spoken to me about and all that he had sent in Arabic to me for me to translate and modify to English.  I stood and felt I was in Dante's shoes standing for him and for all the refugees in Turkey that feel this despair of being torn from their motherland and families. It was good to get some of the audience coming up to me to say how moving this was and how they felt they too were Dante feeling this anguish and pain.  The memories of good times still glistened through the dark overcast shadows of the horror that had been inflicted on self, family, friends and a land they loved so much.  

I am grateful to Seb and all the team that put the festival together it was wonderful to be around so many creative and inspiring people.  I kept looking at many of the students and lecturers and could well see that Dante would fit in such an arena - as indeed like many of the Syrian refugees they were university students and are undergraduates and graduates. Among our refugees we have so many well educated people with dreams and aspirations that have be shattered or put on hold.  Together we can rebuild lives if we reach in and see the value of these people that have had to flee from horror and war upon them.

Some of the fun stalls in the Festival too for you to see 
I liked these Indian quilts that can roll into a cushion well impressed with the quality and the idea.... so soft and warm....if I can get some funds would love to get a bulk buy of these for the camps. They will be so easy to wash and dry too.

Wow these were good too love the idea of the flask for loose tea....the selection of teas were therapeutic too