Wednesday 26 October 2016

Grant Research

Been busy in Uxbridge Library today trawling through the reference book on Grants.... as I really do need this project to be active with good funding.  There is a lot that can be done with the project to rebuild lives and turn around the situation to be a positive for all involved.  We have loads of material for books both fact and for the creation of fictional novels.  Certainly got an idea for a series of childrens books on the Adventures of Princess Leen..  All my family members are academics and have good minds on them.  This is the craziness of the situation we have a lot of talent, skills and well educated people among the refugees.  While I have been doing this Dante has been busy in Turkey helping a young lad Ahmed that we got introduced to earlier in the year.... a sad case of a keen sportsman that is now a triple amputee.... There are so many lives we are touching with this project and so much we can do to help rebuild those lives.  I know our project is one of many in the world but this is my life now for sure... befriending families is an amazingly empowering experience for all - the befriender and the those being befriended... 
Hope to be airborne and out in the field again soon 
to follow on my support 
assessment of needs.  
Always a hand to hand direct link up.