So now I have a Princess of Smiles and a Princess of Sunshine to care for. But Leen has not seen her sister yet because of the maternity policy on siblings not permitted to visit.... Just received an email from Prof Lesley Page the President of the RCM with her blog link on her visit to the camps... this is ahead of our meeting tomorrow.
Here is her link to read:
I like the concluding paragraph of this article
If we are to live human to human, if we are to move beyond the need for humanitarian aid and allow all those seeking refuge to live good lives and to make a full contribution to the society, it is the most basic and reasonable of dreams. The birth of a baby, the beginning of life, offers a new start, a promise of better life. Where babies are born to those seeking refuge, or asylum, we must recognise that this is the whole world, and offer not only good health care, the healthiest and best start to life, but also safe passage into a settled and secure life. ref: Page. L 2017
Love this day chasing pigeons in the square ... Princess Leen looked so cute in this dress and sun hat that was from Amaya's mothers donation...
We must learn to value life and respect all in remembrance of all the spirits of those that have been lost and for the future of our children and their children....
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